Five Steps for the Design and Construction of Houses

House construction through an architect is a long-range project that generally goes many months or years. Furthermore, it happens in consecutive as well as in some instances concurrent periods from the purchase of a constructible land lot to the allocation of the house, throughout the design as well as the critical period of the construction activities.

This section presents the distinct periods for the particular instance of the design as well as construction of houses.

Moreover, a comprehensive presentation of the broader level instance can be identified in the measures for the design as well as construction of buildings.

1. Purchase of a land lot as well as financing

Prior to the house construction, the owner should carry out a part of evaluation to locate a constructible land lot as well as the required funding.

So as to construct a house, 3 requirements should generally be fulfilled:

  • Holding a piece of land or the permission to utilize it, as well as having confirmed its constructability. Generally the constructability of a land lot should be confirmed through getting a certificate of town planning from the related administration.
  • Getting the required funds: bank loans, assistance, personal investment, and so forth, for:
    1. The acquisition of the land and its probable connections to the distinct networks of roads as well as conveniences (electricity, sewage, water, telecommunications).
    2. The construction of the house: procurement of each and every material as well as disbursements of the contractors responsible for every domain (electricity, plumbing, masonry, roof).
    3. The disbursement of the fees of the distinct experts who are going to ensue – notary, architect, geometer, and so forth.
  • Getting the building permit, which, determined by the nation as well as the area, might be presented to some conditions in relation to the size of the terrain, house, required design, and so forth.

2. Initial draft – sketch, budget as well as building permit

House is planned by the architect as per the discussion with client, as per the client’s requests as well as budget, considering the requirements of the plot of land (climate, shape, orientation) as well as local urban planning guidelines, in order to design comprehensive plans that are going to create the foundation of the application dossier with regards to a building permit.

Throughout the initial design period, the architect makes a simple introductory draft, which rearranges the subsequent parts:

  • One site plan – establishing the house in the whole land lot.
  • One basic plan of the house.
  • The surface of the several rooms as well as portions of the house.
  • A descriptive report of the project.
  • An initial estimate of the overall cost of the house.

3. Comprehensive design as well as selection of contractors

Once the building permit is obtained, the architect is going to conduct the comprehensive design of the whole house as well as the plans needed for the fulfillment of each of its portions. The architect openly describes the distinct lots with regards to discussion of the contractors of every domain:

  • Sections, plans, as well as elevations required for the appropriate knowledge of the complete project and the involvement of every specialist.
  • A comprehensive quote which defines each and every process to be conducted by every field and the related costs.
  • A suggestive plan with regards to the completion of the various works with regards to every department.

4. The construction site

The commencement of the construction site signals the start of the effective construction of a house. It comprises 2 major sorts of work: the structural works having construction with regards to the structure as well as the firmness of the house, as well as the resulting works that rearrange the tasks required for the well-being of the house and its day-to-day use by the occupants.

One can have a look at the photographs of the whole advancement of a project site for a city house to demonstrate the several phases of the construction, beginning at the demolishment of the previous structure to the completion of the new structure. That original house depends upon the utilization of standard and inexpensive building materials and the features of wood like decoration material in contradiction of a gray coating of the original form of the house.

Structural works: Structural works comprise the construction of the structural elements of the house, its anchorage in the ground, the sturdiness of the walls as well as the roof. They happen in a sequence of interventions of 4 main departments, from floor to roof.

Secondary works: The secondary works comprise the implementation of the several elements of interior fittings as well as finishes for aesthetics as well as comfort for the daily life of the occupants. Some secondary works can sometimes be carried out together.

5. Reception of the works

On the completion of the works, a written report is documented for the reception of the house with the help of the architect. Furthermore, the date of this report is the legal date of the commencement of the stages of the several assurances for the works.

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