Wonderful Benches You Will Strive To Have In Your Backyard

Benches Feat

Your backyard decor cannot be complete without a seating area and although you may think of adding a table and chairs, a bench is also a common choice. Benches can be found in so many versatile styles, so you will for sure find the right one for your yard.

You can choose to buy some, or maybe even try to make some on your own.

Planter benches

Planter benches are like a combo of seating and place for growing plants. They can be quite versatile, often having planter boxes on both sides or maybe only on one side. Or in some cases, the planting area can be behind the seating area. Planter benches are great option for small yard when you don’t have space for placing planters and benches separately.


You can make a bench out of palettes. Arrange the palettes in the way you like, whether that will be a narrow or a curved bench. Leave it like that or maybe paint the palettes. And of course add some pillows and cushions to make it more comfortable.


Besides palettes you can also make a cinder block bench. Use the cinder blocks for the sides of the bench or bottom, and wood for the seating area. And again you can add a cushion.


Or how about you go for a gabion bench, a one that will have a bottom made of wire and some white stones and a wooden top? You can even make one such planter bench, with two planter boxes on the side.


Storage benches

And there is one more style of benches that you may choose for your yard and that is the storage bench style. So, as the word suggests, this type of benches can have a storage space where you can store some items like garden tools, pillows, blankets etc. Some of these benches can be with hidden storage space, while others can have crates included underneath the seating area.


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