Must Do Landscaping Ideas

The time to refresh our gardens around the house has come.

The surrounding gardens are the first thing that welcomes us and our guests so we need to dedicate special time and attention to make them beautiful and attractive.

When forming this part of the yard, there is one general rule – you can use anything you like and you want to show it to the rest of the world. And don’t worry, landscaping is not only a thing that designers can do. There are plenty of DIY landscaping ideas that give much inspiration and enough information to make it possible for every home to get the needed curb appeal.

So prepare to get messy but creative for that part of the home which requires the most care. These landscaping ideas will help you boost your curb appeal instantly.

Plants may not be many but they must be decorative throughout the whole year or consecutively enter in their blooming phase.

We have gathered the greatest ideas for landscaping around the house – blooming flowers, evergreen plants, rock gardens, cascades and many more. Some of the ideas show the horizontal type of plant arrangement, others- vertical landscaping.

These garden are appropriate to edge a more irregular shape from the house outline, as a corner sector for example, as most of the planted flowers make large green tufts that will be able to overwhelm the ground area.

Hydrangea, Impatiens walleriana, Thuja, Hosta ‘Montana Aureomarginata’ are all perfect for edging a yard as those ones that get out of their blooming phase remain green till the end of summer.

Conifer bushes and trees make the perfect landscape around the house as their maintenance is very easy. The front row consists of bushes, the back row is outlined with trees.

Decorative conifer species are highly varied in size and color – from almost white spines, through nuances of grey, blue, green and yellow, to bronze.

Planting these decorative species in your backyard will improve the curb appeal of your home and will create the impression of a well-maintained backyard all year long.

Ground plants like different evergreen bushes can be complemented by flower pots if the entry to the house has wide stairs as in the photo above or in case that you are having a small yard that doesn’t allow planting of all the flowers you would like to.

a simple landscaping idea that will add a variety of colors thanks to the blooming potted plants. The garden around the house will look like a floral cascade that welcomes everyone with its aroma and colors.

Palm trees and plants and other decorative leaf bushes are perfect for green landscaping as their leaf mass is rich and can take up a lot of the yard space.

Taking care of them is not difficult, however, you should provide enough water, fertilizer and partial shade for their good shape. They look particularly well and feel comfortable when outlined with large rocks, pebbles and pea gravel.

For those of you who would like to make an edging garden around their house that will last for many years and the maintenance will be low, here is a simple landscaping idea with evergreen shrubs- the perfect small tree.

Cherry laurel, “Manhattan” Euonymus, Viburnum, Boxwood are all perfect for landscaping around the house because of the easy grow tendency and because they are pretty resistant. Most of them can also be shaped and enhance the curb appeal to a level that screams “elegance”.

This landscaping idea combines different types of plants. The thought behind this backyard design is to have greenery left after the blooming flowers get out of their best phase.

Most of these flowers can be also grown as potted plants but planting them in the ground gives them the space to develop to their optimal condition.

The plants are arranged in a way to provide them with the light each needs – this is why the smaller ones are in front, the larger tufts behind. The evergreen shrubs are closest to the house wall as their nature is more or less unpretentious.

This curved garden is very artistic as it combines different types of plants and decorative white gravel and woodchips.

The ground of the front garden is planted with blooming flowers, Kalanchoe blossfeldiana, which although typically an indoor plant, may give a colorful mood to the landscaping around the house. The top of the soil is covered with wood-chips to conserve the water and thus hydrate the flowers.

The back curved row is planted with globe conifers that will become larger balls in time. Their soil is covered with white gravel to provide contrast and drainage.

Royal gardens always impress with arrangement and variety. This is why the garden around the house above reminds us of that.

If you want an aristocratic garden around your house, you must thoughtfully pick up the right plants and prepare the ground for them.

As you see, each garden is distinguished from the rye-grass by leaving the soil clean from any grass. If you don’t have the time to mow the lawn and keep it that neat, it may be a clever idea to use artificial grass instead.

The way this garden is arranged leaves a walkway inbetween the decorative plants to let the people easily find the way in this house and enjoy the elegance of the outdoor space.

You can combine decorative leaf shrubs with short blooming bushes and shaped evergreen bushes.

The butterfly garden is a landscape masterpiece. The blooming colorful flowers are thickly planted to create continuous tufts. Furthermore they are divided by color although from the same species.

Here and there they are accompanied by decorative leaf plants and evergreen conifer trees to form green lands among the blossoms. It’s a perfect flower bed idea. This garden design makes gorgeous contrast with the grass turning it into a walkway to the porch.

Another great idea for landscaping is making a rock garden where a small shop-made or DIY fountain can pour water out gently.

The rest of the garden is covered in woodchips to mulch the soil for the various plants growing there. Agave americana, Hypericum calycinum, Dahlia and a decorative globe tree are the chosen species to beautify the rest of the garden.

The shape of this garden bed is traced by paving stones but it won’t be difficult to recreate it also in the backyard on grass ground.

The vertical landscaping should not be underrated as it creates a great alive effect and can combine all types of greenery.

We all know that the gradual increase in height is achieved by arranging plants and flowers of different heights. You can also use the help of large potted flowers and flower stands.

Even when the space is small, there is also a way to make a fascinating garden around your home.

Use decorative mulch to divide the garden from the rest of the yard and plant decorative leaf plants in the front row, continue with medium-sized evergreen shrubs and finish with larger shrubs or conifer trees.

Cordyline, Fern and other interesting flowers of lower height are planted in thick but separate rows to create an exotic landscape around the house which matches the tall palm trees in front of the house.

The regular tip for arrangement has been followed- shorter and blooming flowers in front, tallest and leafy shrubs/flowers at the back. Thus all of them get the amount of light they need.


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